Gait and postural control impairments, and falls are ubiquitous among the elderly, and lead to enormous personal, occupational and health care burden. Especially patients with PD are severely affected by the progressive deterioration of these gait and postural control mechanisms. Elucidating mechanisms of age- and disease-related motor control impairments and devising focussed treatment strategies to counteract these symptoms represent major challenges for future research. Moving beyond focuses on the role of supraspinal motor control mechanisms in ageing and PD. It will span the entire spectrum from basic understanding of these mechanisms, over diagnostics to therapeutic applications of supraspinal motor control deficits. The network consists of a rare combination of experts from basic and translational research as well as from the industry. They will cover the entire range of expertise necessary and utilize cutting edge technology to educate students and fellows in the complex problem of the impact of supraspinal motor control mechanisms in ageing and PD. The comprehensive inter-sectoral and multidisciplinary training program will comprise a unique set of state of the art scienitific and soft skill training measures pursing general and individually tailored training approaches. Outreach and dissemination activities form a crucial part of Moving beyond.
Moving Beyond is funded from the European Community‘s Seventh Framework Programme FP7/2012 under grant agreement No. 316639